Mastering the Welcome Message

Original Article EmailTransit: Adam Holden-Bache July 15th, 2009

The welcome message is an easily overlooked component of the email marketing experience. In reality, it may be the most important email you deliver. The person receiving the message has just told you they are interested in receiving your messages, and you are contacting them immediately after they have expressed interest.

By taking advantage of the engaged nature of the recipient, you can likely create additional value by provoking further action.

Here are some things to consider adding to your welcome message on
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Don't get me wrong, Welcome Messages are good but sometimes this has to replace the double opt-in message, so the recipient is automatically opted in, which can cause trouble at B2C levels.
I have also seen situations where both have been attempted; in the same message, you have a fully branded welcome message with the double-opt-in link in it, which is the call to action but if that one link is not clicked they are not double opted in, so it can be risky, subsequently it is rarely a good idea. Some times I have seen a dedicated double opt-in email and then once clicked they get sent the welcome message. This means that the recipient has to move from double-opt-in email(inbox) to the thank you page (browser) then back to inbox (welcome message) and then back to the browser to follow links, then back to the inbox to click more links and then they go back and forth.
On considering that, I believe the best way would be to have the double-opt-in email and then that landing page also consisting of the welcome message content including links to see the latest newsletter for example or have it emailed to you. After all the idea of email is to drive traffic to the web-site.