Email Marketing Reports 16/06/2008

The best Q&A is the one with yourself

If we want to repair a leaky bucket, we need to know where the holes are. This issue's "must reads" explain how to find the holes in your email marketing by asking the right questions.

Elsewhere we have a host of new design resources, plus heated discussion on the value of different email addresses. Would you reject a new lead or subscriber because they have a email address?

Take care,

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Must reads...

The new email marketing
The "new email marketing" series continues to attract attention and accolades. Here the latest tips and tactics to keep ahead of the competition...

Part 6: Ask the right questions (the right thinking and the right response come from asking the right questions first)

Part 7: Use the right words (talk the right language with your team and subscribers)

Part 8: Innovation and opportunity (the three areas where marketers can find "new" ways to benefit from email)

Email design...

CSS and forms
Two great sources of info:

Dylan Boyd reveals the latest data on support for forms in email.

And Campaign Monitor just updated their CSS reference guide. It covers 60+ CSS elements and properties and how they are handled by 21 desktop and web clients.

Help with email images
More design articles that caught my eye...

Campaign Monitor (them again) released their 2008 email design guidelines, which include advice on dealing with image blocking.

Chad White reports on new research on how retailers and marketers have (not?) adapted email design to cope.

Keith Muth discusses a problem (and solution) for image displays in Hotmail.

Pablo Iglesias looks at image formats and dimensions in email, while Adam Covati covers the issue of image file sizes and the email viewing experience.

Tactics and strategies...

Improving B2B email marketing
Anne Holland reveals the two key improvements B2B marketers could make to their use of email.

Tasks you don't do, but should
The email marketing equivalent of the fence that needs a new lick of six important tasks that never seem to get to the top of the to-do list.

Win by being less bad
New surveys reveal that your competitors are making life easier for you by ignoring long-established best practices. One company's failure is another's opportunity. Learn more.

Google Trends and email marketing
It's a free search marketing research tool, but how can email marketers make use of Google's latest experimental lab product? Answers here.

Building a list...

Why reject certain addresses?
Does it make sense to reject free webmail addresses when building your list? Readers argue the case for and against the practice here.

That's it for this issue - see you again June 30th...

Copyright Mark Brownlow 2008