In Leveraging Snippets and AutoPreview to Lift Response, By the legend of Jeanne Jennings, ClickZ, Nov 30 2009, Jeanne reminds us that the snippets section and the preview pane content are more and more fundamental considerations in our creative precess. Ignoring this when doing your creative work can mean you miss a track that can make the difference in the competition of attention in the every busying on
This is the same concept as one of my earliest articles when I coined the phrase "Trust Earning Text" for Pure360.
That top two lines of text can help you get the email opened and the images loaded. After than you are left with coding for the preview pane to get that call to action clicked.
Also don't forget that people's attention span is smaller and smaller, hence the success or social media - in many way a tweet is an email with a call to action subject line and link. I wonder how many clicks a tweet gets compared to an email?
This is the same concept as one of my earliest articles when I coined the phrase "Trust Earning Text" for Pure360.
That top two lines of text can help you get the email opened and the images loaded. After than you are left with coding for the preview pane to get that call to action clicked.
Also don't forget that people's attention span is smaller and smaller, hence the success or social media - in many way a tweet is an email with a call to action subject line and link. I wonder how many clicks a tweet gets compared to an email?