mediapost: Streaming Video - Coming To An Email Near You

by Elie Ashery, Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 12:30 PM

According to comScore, more than 10 billion video clips are viewed online every month -- providing companies big and small with an incredible opportunity for cost-effective branding, product display and demonstration. Ironically, the ability to incorporate streaming video into an email campaign was practiced in the early days of the commercial Internet, yet stymied when inbox providers and software developers started blocking javascript in email for obvious security reasons. With cutting-edge video technologies now available and the pent-up demand for video integration with email from both marketers and consumers, inbox providers are heeding the call by developing new programs for marketers to tinker with email video delivery. Gmail YouTube Capabilities, GoodMail Systems CertifiedVideo,Text Link,Link with Image/Animated GIF,What the Future May on
