I have just read another cracking article from Email-Marketing-Reports, called 'Targeted opt-out email: busting some myths' where Mark discusses the pros and cons of emailing people without explicit permission, you'll have to read the article and I'll have a comment on there but one thing to remember is that the law's are not enough for recipients.
Spam filtering software, ISPs reputation monitors and more are now giving more and more power over our deliverability to the recipients of our emails.
Telling Spamhaus that you have not broken the law when they block your entire hosting centre, after a spam complaint, is not going to get you anywhere. People who sign up for the protection of spam filtering software only want emails that have been asked for. So if anyone marks an email as spam the fall-out could be horrific.
Hotmail and Yahoo are focussing more and more on the reputation of the IP address and sending domain's, these can go up and down depending on nearly every action a recipient takes: marking as spam is bad, opening and clicking is good, moving from junk folder to inbox is good. These things can really pile up and before you know it you can only send 200 emails an hour to them before they start sending them back or just deleting them on impact.
Permission is good! Read the full arrticle on EMR now
Spam filtering software, ISPs reputation monitors and more are now giving more and more power over our deliverability to the recipients of our emails.
Telling Spamhaus that you have not broken the law when they block your entire hosting centre, after a spam complaint, is not going to get you anywhere. People who sign up for the protection of spam filtering software only want emails that have been asked for. So if anyone marks an email as spam the fall-out could be horrific.
Hotmail and Yahoo are focussing more and more on the reputation of the IP address and sending domain's, these can go up and down depending on nearly every action a recipient takes: marking as spam is bad, opening and clicking is good, moving from junk folder to inbox is good. These things can really pile up and before you know it you can only send 200 emails an hour to them before they start sending them back or just deleting them on impact.
Permission is good! Read the full arrticle on EMR now