Wednesday, 02 Jan 2008 10:37
Potential buyers increasingly turn to the web to help with their decision making, meaning a firm's online presence is ever more important, an expert has claimed.Senior analyst at marketing firm Forrester Research Jeremiah Owyang made his comments on his blog and suggested a number of tools which are likely to be useful to online marketers in 2008, including search engine optimisation (SEO).
Many companies will have processes and even teams working to ensure the site's content ranks highly in search results, he explained.
Other online marketing possibilities include email marketing, RSS, widgets and blogs, Mr Owyang continued.
"Savvy marketers are starting to also realise the power of social networking sites in every flavour of focus, including image sharing sites like flickr for marketing," he added.
Last month, Devon-based SEO firm WNW Design claimed that firms are beginning to recognise that the internet is an organic environment and that paid links and banner advertising are often ineffective.
It suggested that in 2008, companies consider using articles and blogs as part of their marketing strategy as they show the firm is connected to the industry's issues.