Tips on the unsubscribe process
Stefan Pollard at ClickZ has put together some tips on best
practice in allowing recipients to unsubscribe from emails. This is
important, as subscribers will most likely mark your emails as spam if
they have any trouble unsubscribing.

Email marketers should therefore make the process of
unsubscribing from emails as easy and trustworthy as possible, as if
ISPs get too many complaints around your emails, this could seriously
damage your sender reputation.

Stefan’s tips are:

  • Use an unsubscribe procedure that requires as few steps as possible
    should be a one or two step process at most, and you should not require
    customers to add any further login details.

    Making customers jump through too many hoops to unsubscribe, as in this email worst practice example, can damage your brand in their eyes, and will often lead them to report your emails as spam instead.

  • Tell users exactly how they got onto your list

    Remind customers exactly how and where they signed up to receive your emails. Otherwise, they may perceive you as a spammer.

  • Place the unsubscribe message where people can see it

    customers look too hard for the unsubscribe link will have them
    reporting you as spam. Stefan recommends placing it in the admin
    section, where people will expect to find it, or else display it
    prominently elsewhere in the message.

  • Test your unsubscribe procedure

    Make sure the process works by clicking the links or sending test emails.

  • Provide alternate unsubscription methods

    people have difficulty unsubscribing online, or don’t want to, give
    them a phone number to call, or a postal address to send the request